Airline Tycoon 1.21

It is a simulation game, which the player must successfully manage an airline
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Airline Tycoon is a business simulation game, in which the player must successfully manage an airline. A simulation computer game where the player acts as manager of an airline, competing against four other budding tycoons.

The names of the four tycoons are: Tina Cortez (Sunshine Airways), Siggi Sorglos (Falcon Lines), Igor Tuppolevsky (Phoenix Travel) and Mario Zucchero (Honey Airlines).

The player must keep their aircraft in good shape and equip them at such a level as to keep the customers satisfied, buy new planes (from the expensive Airplane Agency or from Mr Schlauberger at the museum who fixes them up and then sells them at a much lower cost) and take out bank loans if required.

The player must also manage their personnel, plan flights, buy fuel, attend meetings in the airport manager's office and, if there is the time, slip into Rick's café for a quick cup of coffee. There is lots to explore and many decisions to make including what sabotages where and when.

The graphics are bright and decidedly tongue in cheek: the tycoon Igor Tuppolevsky has a set of Russian dolls on his desk--and an open tin of caviar, while Tina Cortez has a picture of a matador and a bull's head.



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